Datakili - Customer Journey analysis and Product Design

What is an omnichannel journey and how to analyze it?

A customer journey can be defined as a succession of interactions between your company and your customers through all your channels.

An interaction, also called “event”, can be initiated by the customer or the company.

Our solution, datakili, allows you to analyze customer journey from your data according to a simple design model based on 3 factors:

1. Customer journey mapping:  What is the interaction channel?

This channel or device is used by your customers or your company to interact with each other:

Datakili - Customer journey mapping: What is the interaction channel

With datakili®, you can integrate data from as many channels as you need, let them be physical ones as well as online ones.

2. What is the reason of the interaction in your customer journey?

The reason why there is an interaction between the customer and the company.

Examples of customers reasons:

Datakili - Omnichannel Customer Journey Analytics - Examples of company reasons

Examples of company reasons:

Datakili - Omnichannel Customer Journey Analytics - Examples of customers reasons

3. What is “The timestamp” in your customer journey mapping?

It refers to the exact moment an interaction occurred. In the case of events occurring on an internet website or application, an exactitude below the millisecond can be necessary.

Example of customer journey on banking services platform:

  1. A customer signs into its personal account to check its bank accounts.
    1. Customer reason: checking its bank accounts
    2. Channel: website
  2. As early as the homage page, a personal data (identity and contact details / operations and assets) verification is suggested to the customer through several steps.
    1. Company reason: personal data verification
    2. Channel: notification on the website
  3. The customer accepts to proceed with the data verification by following the different information, confirmation / modification steps.
    1. Customer reason: its personal data verification
    2. Channel: website
Datakili - Example of omnichannel customer journey on banking services platform

Some customers will complete through the whole personal data verification, others will drop the journey:

  • Which journeys will be completed all the way through?
  • Which journeys will be dropped, at what point of the journey and why?
  • What interactions have been undertaken before this customer journey?
  • Which interactions / journey sequences have converted or have ended with a drop out?

Become an expert in omnichannel customer journey with our datakili’s certification program.

Learn more with our latest white paper: “Customer journey analysis: 5 key steps to succeed in your projects from A to Z”.

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